Thursday, August 23, 2007

Under Your Radiance...

Karat gold bracelets
and sterling silver rings...
ubiquitous, yet inadequate.

Raven opals and ivory pearls,
utramarine sapphires and scarlet rubies...
I do not see their value.
No, not even the richest of silks.
Undeniable are their worth but
nothing when compared to you.
Such as the flowers are to the sunlight,
under your radiance, I bloom.

My life is complete
as long as I see your
unpretentious smile...


Jehzeel Laurente said...

hehehe nice blog ^_^... what do you mean by peaceful dystopia? ^_^

Ordered Chaos said...

Thanks... ^^ Peaceful dystopia is sort of an irony, the kind I like. Anyway, it just means that its a kind of hell where its, well, peaceful. Hehehe...