First of all, here are the mechanics/rules for this: CLICK ME!!!
Why vote in the Philippine Blog Awards? Not only will your opinion be heard, your blog will also get advertised. *EVIL GRIN*. And apparently, a raffle ticket. weeee. Why vote for Batang Yagit? Because if you don't, I'll wring your neck so hard that the life in you will scream as it dies a slow and painful death... I meeeaaan... Because he's a great guy. Yeah... that's what I meant.
No really, He IS a great guy. There's, like, no reason not to like him. He is kind, smart, helpful, patient, and from what I heard around the school, he's good looking enough to bat a few eyelashes. Look at my URL, (up there, in the address bar... look... up there...), isn't it nice of him to host my blog on his uhm... domain, is it? I really don't know. I'm as smart as a door nail when it comes to these things (net things). Which brings me to another reason why you should vote for Batang Yagit. He will help you in these stuff (stuffs?). When the question you ask is within the confines of his knowledge, he will help you. Of course, this depends on his time (he's busy right now with his review for the board exam and currently does not have a permanent internet connection), but he will help you if he can. He won't say, "Nah, I don't know you and your a LOSER and your ugly and your... and your... uhmm... ugly!". No he won't say that. He will really help you. Also, like I said, he's studying for his board exam. Voting for him, and hopefully he wins, will boost his self confidence even more and that will help in the exams. If you don't vote for him, he might become depress and fail the exam (NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!). Would you like that on your conscience? He failed 'cause you didn't vote for him... Aaaaaaaaaaaaaanyway, I also know for a fact that he's been doing this blog thing for 2 years now and the net thing for... hmmm... forever? He's a good candidate for this award and he's a great choice for a vote and the best to win of them all. Vote for him now or else... kidding! No really... vote for him now or else... *cracks knuckles*
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Batang Yagit: Why vote for him?
Born from the deepest recesses of the brain of Ordered Chaos at 9:10 AM
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Testing Contribute
Born from the deepest recesses of the brain of Ordered Chaos at 2:54 PM
Monday, February 4, 2008
Chronicles of Lingua: Chapter 01
I had a very great start of the month, and I'm going to take it as a good omen. It was because I was fortunate enough to be a part of a great gathering last February 1: the 7th meeting of the Davao food trip. This would be my first time joining this kind of event and it was a...uhh... "great awakening" to the people in the blogging world and it's perks. ***GRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN*** Anyway, for the 7th entry for the Davao food trip we went to *drum roll* ASEYA!
The place was cozy and inviting. It was simple and pleasant inside. The low wattage lighting, the smell of cooking food wafting in the room, and the non-distractive decor of the room makes your whole day's tension go away. Though their food attendants were plainly clothed, their demeanor and friendly countenance more than made up for it. All in all, the ambiance is well up above par.
We come to THE great part: the food. We were served with a lot of food and, from what I can understand with the conversation between Kuya Blogie and Sir Ponchit (no, I was not eavesdropping... I was...uhm... overhearing), the food served are The Food to get when eating there.
We were served with the "Aseya Salad" first. It's a simple vegetable salad but the great thing about it is the sauce, a mix of peanut sauce, hoisin sauce and sesame seeds. It is to die for. Well, maybe not to die for but a probably more like a really long coma. But really, it's great. You're tongue would be missing a big chunk of it's life if it doesn't taste the sauce.
What I tasted next was the soup called "Tom Yum Kung". It's a seafood-vegetable Thai soup with a taste I can't quite get. Don't get me wrong, it's not gross or anything. It's just that I'm not used to exotic (by exotic I mean not common and quite different from everyday pinoy food) food and I am at a loss of words to describe it. It's virgin territory for me here. Anyway, it was good. Hmmm, the taste is somewhere between sour and spicy. You have to try it to get what I mean.
Next one I tried is "Kamameshi". The closest I can compare it to is rice toppings, only waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better. I think I had the seafood one, with the crab meat. It was gooooooooooooooooooood. I mean really gooooooooood. If you order this, then you're in for a great treat. I highly recommend trying this.
The viands I ate were "Muphad Kaprao" and "Tofu with Chicken and Mushrooms". The muphad kuprao was good, though meant for a real spicy kick, it's gentle spice was great for me. I don't really like extremely spicy food; I eat it, but I don't enjoy it as much as not spicy food. So, the spice on the muphad kaprao was good for me. You can ask to have your's really spicy when you order this though. I really liked the tofu with chicken and mushrooms a lot. I don't like tofu that much since I am a real meat kind of guy, but the sauce on this viand flavored the tofu with such a great taste that I kept "fishing" (it's the term used by my father when I only pick out the meat on a meat and vegetable viand when I was a kid) for the tofu. The chicken meat was even better. Since the pieces of meat are cut small, the flavor of the sauce seeps into the the middle, making every bite a wonderful tongue experience.
Now, I get to the really good part. My best choice of all the served food: SUKIYAKI!!! It's the bomb, mah man. Ahem. I mean, not getting the sukiyaki is like committing suicide. This time, it's not only your tongue that misses the experience but every part of every single fiber of your being will have missed a big part of it's life. YOU HAVE TO GET THIS. YOU HAVE TO EAT ASEYA'S SUKIYAKI. This is not a suggestion, it's a command.
The best thing you can do after reading this is to go to Aseya (which, by the way, is located at the groundfloor of Humberto's Inn, J. Palma Gil Street corner Padre Gomez Street) and eat there, provided it's not, like, 3 in the morning (another BTW, the hours of Aseya are 6 AM to 11 PM on Tuesdays to Sundays and 6AM to 2PM on Mondays). As I fervently believe in the saying, "Experience is the best teacher", I suggest you experience Aseya to know, feel and taste the good side of life. Aseya is a good example of the greatness that Davao has to offer. Believe me.
**** Photos courtesty of Andrew's Davao Foodie
Born from the deepest recesses of the brain of Ordered Chaos at 10:24 PM
Davao Food Trip
Monday, January 14, 2008
another nice experience...
I won't really get to details with this one. Anyway, it's just about my day in the Hall of Justice here in Davao. They helped me all they way, especially when I made a mistake with the form. All in all, I spent about 15 minutes to get my court clearance. I would like to specifically thank the Woman security guard stationed by the entrance and the guy behind the counter (the curly long haired one) for being very helpful. Kudos to the HoJ people!
Read More......Born from the deepest recesses of the brain of Ordered Chaos at 8:28 PM
Saturday, January 12, 2008
A nice experience.
I am making this article for the people working for NBI Davao. I would like to thank them for their great service. They were very nice and accommodating.
It started when I got to the NBI office, the one outside Victoria Plaza (No parking space stealer this time). The person there gave me the form to fill up for the clearance and told me what to fill up. I was done partially for there was a question I was not sure what to answer, so I went back to the person who gave me the form and asked. He helped me and was the one who wrote the answer for me. Then he told me to get my fingerprints taken and go to the office inside VP, to pay and have my picture taken. When I got there, the cashier was on stand by. I was apprehensive to approach at first, but I did, nonetheless. The lady told me to wait for a while, so I sat at the bench near the window. I waited for about 3 or 5 minutes, then the lady opened for me and personally pointed at me to get to the counter first, well maybe because I was the only one there. After I paid, she then told another NBI guy to tell the other payers to come forward. This time though, I had to wait about 15 to 20 minutes to get my picture taken because it was their break time. Quite understandable. So after my wait, I got my picture taken, and was told that I should come back around 5 to get the clearance. So I left, tried my luck at SSS but that was not to be. I came back, browsed around VP for a while then around 4:50, went back to NBI. I had to wait for a really long time this time. I got my clearance around 5:30, so that was still quite a wait. But the thing that was OK with it was that in spite of the fact that it was after government office hours (and we know what our government's time is like), they still went on.
Anyway, that was my nice experience. To think that I started my application around 2:30 and still got my clearance on the same day. People told me before that if I wanted my NBI clearance, I would have to be there very early in the morning. Yet, with this experience, I can say that with a little luck and the nice people from NBI Davao, you can have an almost hassle free clearance claiming experience. I will like to commend the people from NBI for their service.
Born from the deepest recesses of the brain of Ordered Chaos at 6:46 PM
Sunday, January 6, 2008
There seems to be a virus going around. What's most notable about it is that it attacks only the "rich and privileged". It would have been great if it causes them have rashes and to have mucus seep out of every orifice in their body, but unfortunately it just attacks their...uhm..."intelligence" and manners.
I was going to post about two very recent events but I think that making an official-more-than-a-paragraph article about that thing-that-regrettably-looks-like-a-female-human would only immortalize her. So, I will only write about one, which happened only yesterday.
My mother and I went to Victoria Plaza yesterday around 11:45 AM to buy something from the grocery store. We were in the parking area (the area near the exit, the exit near the grocery store) in the first lane (the lane nearest the exit). We were moving slowly to see if we have luck enough to get a space here and that we were. While we stopped at a certain area, a white sedan type car was backing up to leave. We were just behind it waiting for it to fully back up, with our signal already on when we saw its rear reverse lights come on. Just then a gold/brown Toyota Hi-Lux pickup turned around the corner coming from the Bajada entrance side and swerved into the vacant space. No signal, no horns, no nothing. IT just parked there like we were not waiting for the space. My mom moved forward a bit just to look at the thing that drives that pickup, but IT did not come out while we waited. If IT parked so fast without regard to other drivers, we guessed it must be in a great hurry or that there was an emergency of some sort. We guessed wrong. We still had enough luck that we found a parking space just a few cars after the space that thing coveted. When we got out of the car, IT was already gone. After our shopping, the pickup was still there so I took pictures of it.
That is the plate number, LFP 337. If anyone who knows the thing that drove it, please tell IT to sit on a cactus. Tell IT to learn to drive and get some manners.
Born from the deepest recesses of the brain of Ordered Chaos at 4:12 PM